Genealogy and Reference
The Genealogy and Reference Department houses Gadsden, Etowah County and State of Alabama historical items and has an abundance of family history and genealogical research tools, including online databases and computers that are dedicated to genealogical study. Historical newspapers are available on microfilm including the Gadsden Times from 1867 to present. Several interesting programs on local history and genealogy are also held throughout the year. In addition, the Reference section has excellent maps, atlases, U.S. government documents and other useful research materials.
The GPL maintains a collection of published works on Gadsden-area and State of Alabama history in the Bobby M. Junkins Alabama Room located in the Reference and Genealogy Department. All titles are cataloged and searchable in the online catalog. For a more comprehensive local history collection, including archival material and assistance with microfilm and genealogical research, please contact the Genealogy Desk at: 256-549-4699 ext. 2117 or at [email protected].
The Main Library maintains a near-complete collection of City Directories dating back to 1900, and a limited collection of Gadsden and Etowah County area high school yearbooks dating from the early 1900s to the present. Please contact the Reference Desk with inquiries about these resources: 256-549-4699 ext. 2116.
Microfilm readers are available and use is self-service. Librarians and Library Support Staff are available for assistance. Gadsden Times newspapers from 1867 to the present day are available in the Genealogy Department at: 256-549-4699 ext. 2117, or at [email protected].
More Resources
Oral History:
Government Documents: